Trouble Follows me Part Two

                                            TROUBLE FOLLOWS ME                                                                                      What Do The Critics Have to Say?                                                              Not So...

Trouble Follows Me Part One

                                        TROUBLE FOLLOWS ME                                                          PART ONE                                              Avast, Me Hearties!   “A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is...

The Dark Tunnel

                                  THE DARK TUNNEL                 Spoiler Alert                                                                        Do You Know What Time it is?   One of the charms of reading Macdonald’s mature fiction is its...

The Dark Tunnel

                                        THE DARK TUNNEL                                       What do the critics have to say?           Peter Wolfe, in Dreamers Who Live Their Dreams, devotes more time to the early books (34 pages) than any of the other...

The Dark Tunnel

                   BEGIN AT THE BEGINNING:  THE DARK TUNNEL     “Everyone has a mass of bad work in him that he will have to work off and get rid of before he can do better and indeed the more lasting a man’s good work, the more sure he is to pass through a...

Finding Ross Macdonald

                                   FINDING ROSS MACDONALD                                                                                The Marple Township Library, 1973   I was a first-year law student, living near a public library in a...

Introduction–Part Three

                                        AN INTRODUCTION                                                                       Part Three--Towards a Balanced View   Macdonald was unquestionably a great mystery writer and is still very much with us;...

Introduction–The Work

                                    AN INTRODUCTION                                                                                                  Part Two--His Work   If Ross Macdonald had simply suppressed his disadvantaged upbringing and become an...

Introduction–The Man

         The title of his book Trouble Follows Me, is From His Own Life                                                         Part One—The Man   A child is just three when his father abandons him and his mother. His father fails to...

New Blog Format

                           ANNOUNCING THE NEW, IMPROVED BLOG                              Fewer Calories and Still Tastes Great       For two years I have been following a long-form approach, devoting between ten and twenty posts to each...

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