The Wycherly Woman Part Eleven

                         THE WYCHERLY WOMAN                Part Eleven                                                        These Walls Don’t Talk but the People Sure Do   Archer makes great progress on his second visit to Mrs. Wycherly’s apartment...

The Wycherly Woman Part Ten

                            THE WYCHERLY WOMAN                     Part Ten                                                                        The Place Where Something Important Happened, Maybe               Archer drives his car and follows the cabbie to...

The Wycherly Woman Part Nine

                             THE WYCHERLY WOMAN                Part Nine                             Letters, We Get Letters, We Get Stacks and Stacks of Letters . . .   My apologies to any of my followers who are too young to remember The Perry Como Show, but...


                                 THE WYCHERLY WOMAN               Part Eight                                                          TWO STEPS BACKWARDS AND ONE FORWARD   Archer’s investigation is methodical, but not always productive. He drives to San Francisco...

Blog Update News

                                                                                       BLOG NEWS                                      NEW FEATURE ANNOUNCED   As the blog approaches two hundred posts, the old posts have been buried under newer...


                               THE WYCHERLY WOMAN                  Part Seven                        Archer Has Had Enough of the High Life, and Tire Irons   When he comes to, his head is bleeding but, surprisingly, his gun is still in its holster.  The...

The Wycherly Woman Part Six

                        THE WYCHERLY WOMAN                  Part Six                                                                A HOT TIME AT THE HACIENDA INN               Macdonald was endlessly fascinated with the extremes of wealth and poverty in...


                                          AND NOW A WORD FROM OUR SPONSOR                       September Wars, The Ninth Book in the Dave Garrett Series is Out!              Garrett’s toughest case didn’t start out tough. Or even as a case....

The Wycherly Woman Part Five

                   THE WYCHERLY WOMAN                     Part Five                WHAT’S THE POINT OF A CALIFORNIA STORY WITHOUT REAL ESTATE?                Merriman, the realtor, isn’t in, but his wife Sally is. When Archer feigns interest...

The Wycherly Woman Part Four

                        THE WYCHERLY WOMAN                Part Four                             A CLIENT IS SOMEONE WHO HOLDS OUT ON YOU                                     --Dave Garrett. Garrett Investigations, Philadelphia   After a frustrating...

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